Thursday, October 13, 2016

New Consultants Start Here!

Welcome to Outstanding Opals! This is an excellent place to get started and learn what you need to get a successful start! As always if you have any questions talk with your Team Leader or upline!

We are a part of an amazing company who offers monthly awards for reaching particular sales amounts and in addition to that they have the Write your Own Success Story (WYOSS) available to you during your first 12 weeks of being a consultant. These awards are AMAZING and worth working to earn them.

Ready to earn those incentives? 

The best way to achieve them is by PREPARING yourself for SUCCESS and LAUNCHING your business! Follow this 30-day Consultant Success Plan checklist that will teach you what you need to know to launch your UBAM business. You can get started on it before you even get your kit! Let your team leader know when you finish the first 30 day checklist and she’ll give you another checklist for the next 30 days! *Even if you are not a NEW consultant, review this often to help give you a jumpstart in your business!* You can find the CSP right here on this blog under First 30 days CSP or in the pinned post at the top of the Outstanding Opals Facebook group page.

Let’s talk about Inviting Kickoff parties!
The first task on the First 30 Days Checklist is to SET DATES for your Facebook AND Home Show kick-off parties! Here’s a Secret to Earning your Full or Half kit Refund and Becoming “Success-Bound”: Have FOUR parties(that is only one booking at each) that sell $250+ in your first 30 days. (That’s a home party launch party to show your friends the books, a Facebook Kick off for friends far away, and throwing parties for two friends who love the books!
This Video will help you get started and help your parties be a huge success!

What does this mean? When I first started I did not know what they meant by double free... Cortney does a great job of explaining this in her video!

While in your 12 Week Incentive period, you get to offer your hostesses DOUBLE FREE book rewards! Here is a quick video explaining double free books and the chart that goes along with it!!!
Side note- a party has to reach at least $100 in sales to get any free books and once it reaches 250 it turns into DOUBLE

We need to Share the Business!!
We are so excited to have you join us on this adventure. Usborne has changed so many of our lives in so many ways! Sharing this business can seem scary, but you never know who might be in need of some extra money, or new friends, and has been searching for something exactly like this. Don't be afraid to offer them this gift! The worst thing you can hear is, “No” and the best thing that can happen is you change someone's life!
If you are not sharing this business with others- you are telling NO for them. Let them choose for themselves :)
Also- it is so much more fun working this business with a friend! Lauren and I knew each other before UBAM and she was my first recruit! We have worked almost every day together on something, earned trips, gone to retreats together and it has just been so much more fun!

Be A Good Sponsor its easy! 
Now that you’ve started this amazing business, you will find other people who want to join the party! What should you do if you recruit a new team member? Here is a list of things you should do to help your new consultant have the best possible start! 
1. Add them and welcome them (using a Welcome graphic) to our Outstanding Opals team page! 
2. Also add them Opals PK(no welcome please) and to the smaller team pages if your sponsor has one.
3. Offer to do their kick-off party for them. It will give them a tremendous boost if you can show them how a party works and walk them through their first party.
4. Continue to be a friend and mentor! Answer their questions they may have, and refer them to your team leader if you can’t answer something.
5. Remember that helping them succeed will help YOU succeed when you become a team leader!

How do you get paid?
This is one of my top asked questions… Payments are made every Wednesday (if you have direct deposit). This is on the sales of your previous week sales. Leader override checks and bonuses are deposited by the 8th business day each month. If you do not sign up for direct deposit, your checks will be mailed to you only if your sales are over $25. In my opinion it only takes a few minutes to sign up, and it’s worth having just in case you have a week with less than $25 commission (and I want my money now… not in a few days when checks are mailed out)!!!

Post Graphics… 
With our online presence we obviously need to have graphics to use that catches the eye of our customers. Our company is very generous in allowing us to even create our own graphics; however with that freedom comes a few rules that we must follow to ensure that our brand is uniform among all consultant created graphics. Rules included are: font types, colors used and how to use the logo including which logo is needed for social media consultant created graphics. The branding manual can be found in your back office and should be read entirely before you begin creating graphics. It is also a good idea to ask if you can use a graphic that you see posted by another consultant unless they state you can use them, but please ask them on a UBAM page or in a private message (it’s not very nice to ask in front of the customers of the person who posted it)!

Monday, October 10, 2016

What's the difference between UBAM, Usborne, and Kane Miller

What's the difference between UBAM, EDC, Usborne, and Kane Miller?
- EDC (Educational Development Corporation) is the official name of the company.
- UBAM (Usborne Books & More) is a division of EDC - this is the division that YOU represent. (Also note this is an INTERNAL-USE only term)
- Usborne is a Publishing Company based in England. (We are the United States co-Publisher of Usborne books.)
- Kane Miller is a Publishing Company based in California. (We own and publish a full line of titles through this imprint.)
So, what name is correct when you are sharing about your business?
CORRECT: "Join my Usborne Books & More team today!"
INCORRECT: "Join my Usborne team."
CORRECT: "Would you be interested in purchasing any Usborne or Kane Miller books?"
INCORRECT: "Would you like to buy any Usborne books?"
CORRECT: "Usborne Books & More is a division of Educational Development Corporation. We are the co-Publisher of Usborne books and the Publisher of Kane Miller books in the United States."
INCORRECT: "I work for EDC and we sell Usborne books."
Please remember, UBAM encompasses both Usborne and Kane Miller products. When talking to customers about this, include all of that information. While it might seem like a mouthful, it is the correct information to share. (You wouldn't share a story about your whole family and only list one person in it, would you?)

Thursday, October 6, 2016

First 30 days CSP

Here is the clickable CSP for you to use! Click on the link. It should look like the image below

-- Launching your business:
-- Launch Party Success:
-- Announcing vs Inviting:
-- Hostess Coaching:
-- FB party training:
-- Intro to back office/Dashboard:
-- Tour of Ecommerce Site:
-- How to set up an Eshow:
-- How to make a visual recommendation list:
-- Posting services tutorials:
Post my Party:
-- Recruiting:
--Two to Grow:
-- Host Rewards Program:
-- Options for Party Prizes:
-- Closing out a FB party (Orderpro part 1):
-- Have a Successful Home Party:
-- Home Party host coaching:
-- Get Organized #1 -Booking Tools:
--Get Organized #2 – Party prizes & Mailings:
--Why to promote to Team Leader:
-- WHY to propel to greatness:
-- Consistency is KEY:
-- Recruiting for newbies:
-- Tips for promoting to Team Leader:
-- Customer Service in Parties:
-- Building Blocks:
-- Business Building Parties:
-- Booths to Build Your Business:
-- Bookings through Follow up:
-- Booking Trees:
-- Time Management:
-- Charity Book Drive Training Download:…/fol…/0B3TnPx4-0t2iZERnSUx1RG5ObGM
-- Book Drives get inspired:
-- Preschool Book Drives:
-- Preschool Book Drive Training DOWNLOAD:…/PreschoolBookFair.pdf…
-- Cards for a Cause:
-- Orderpro #2 – Book fairs/book bucks/supplies, awards, book drives, preschool book fairs, CFAC:
-- Whos business is this?:
-- Fill your calendar – booking ideas:
-- Fortune is in the Follow UP:
-- 7 habits of highly successful consultants:
-- The Myth of Balance:
-- Having a positive mental attitude:

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Your Opal Team Leaders

Senior Executive Team Leader Bobbi Giles!
I have four kids ages 14-22 who were lucky to grow up with amazing kids' books! I've been with Usborne for 13 years and am LOVING it more than ever. I started because I loved the books and needed money. Now it's grown into so much more! I LOVE helping others find success, having something for me and all the friendships I have made that never would have happened without UBAM! My favorite books right now are any of the illustrated stories, Tale of two beasts and Nursery rhymes w/slipcase. And always TNM.

Hi I'm Brittany! I have four little kids, Meredith, 6, Emmett, 4, Nathaniel, 2 and Amos, 1. I live in St. Louis, where I grew up, but we lived in Utah for almost four years. My husband sells insurance to mainly churches and ministries (which is a new career for him!). We've been married 10 years and actually celebrated our 10th anniversary on the UBAM cruise back in August. I have a BA in philosophy and religion and a MA in exegetical theology from Covenant Theological seminary in St. Louis. One of the things that attracted me to Usborne in the first place was all the language books! I have studied several languages, and I studied abroad in Italy in college. I love to travel; my husband and I have been working on visiting all the US national parks (we have visited 11!) and I also like to quilt and do crafty things, along with playing piano and drums. I play drum set or hand drum two Sundays a month at church. My older two kids go to a university model school, which means they attend school two days a week and are home schooled the other three days. I've just recently begun doing admin work for the school as well, which I actually really enjoy. In order for my husband to switch careers and take a pay cut so we could move back to family, UBAM actually picked up the slack! we wouldn't have been able to make this move without it. It also gave us the cash flow to purchase our first home last fall. (It might also give me some extra money to fund my coffee addiction ðŸ˜‰ ) I love working this business and helping others reach their goals and change their lives as well.

My name is Bobbie Murphy! I am a mother to 3 great kids, a girl who is 8 years old, and boy girl twins who are 6 years old. My husband and I have been married for almost 13 years. He sells Car parts at a car dealership in Provo UT. I am a full time college student now studying education at Western Governors University (WGU) an online program which I’m loving so far. I also Substitute teach at a few local Elementary Schools and I do Usborne and have for just over 3 years. When I’m not busy doing any of these things, I like to volunteer at my kids school, read, watch College Football (Go Oklahoma SOONERS), and play games with my family.
As far as my UBAM business goes… I totally regret not working my business for the first 3 months. I promoted when I had been with the company for 1-1/2 years and did it because I’m extremely competitive and when a friend promoted BEFORE me I knew I had to join those ranks quickly. It’s been a tough road since then, but I am so grateful for all of the friendships I have made while working my business and the support of many who help me more than they know!

Hi! I'm Kristen Powell, from Manchester, MD and I have 4 kids: Jack age 9, Thomas age 7, Jane and Andrew (twins) age 5. I've been married 16 years to Jim who is the Executive Worship Pastor at our church here in Carroll County, MD. I have a degree in Business and one in European History from Washington and Lee University in Lexington, VA (where I met my husband who went to VMI) but I grew up in TEXAS. Jim and I have lived in Texas, Virginia, Utah, and Maryland (we've been in Maryland for 6 years). I really love books (duh), art, design, gardens, Ben & Jerrys, and building with legos. I LOVE encouraging and helping others figure out what it is that God made them to do and how to go and do that! I am thankful for earplugs, oxiclean, and Usborne because this Pastor's family could use some extra $ for sports and all the chocolate it takes to keep me chasing after these high-energy kids. Usborne also PAID for tuition for private Kindergarten for my twins ....and they are going to a fabulous 3/4 day Kindergarten (which means all my kids go to school 5 days a week FOR THE FIRST TIME EVER) Which means now I get to go to yoga class all by myself. WORD. I never, ever, ever thought I would be in Direct Sales. But Usborne has been one big fun surprise and a true blessing for my family.

Hello! My name is Julie Lesinski and I live in Delaware Ohio. I met my husband Scott over the phone through work while he was living in Atlanta. I flew down one weekend to meet him and it was love at first sight. Now we've been together 15 years, married for 12! I'm a stay at home mother of 2 boys. They are ages 3 and almost 5. I've always been a huge book lover and I'm happy to see that so far my boys are as well! I started selling Usborne books because I liked that they were different from some of the other books I've seen. I've also found that they have a fun way of encouraging my very stubborn 4 year old to learn. In the past I sold Tastefully Simple but I was no where near as successful. Usborne is our way of saving for college for the boys and having extra money for play.

Hi! I am Emily DeWitt, and I have been with Usborne 3 years this month! I have a very rambunctious little boy who is 4, and a baby girl who is 20 months old next week and completely full of spit and vinegar. A little about me, I was born and raised in Payson, UT and am happy to now be raising my family here too. My husband and I met shortly after I graduated high school at a church activity. We dated long distance for 10 month when I left for school and were married after I finished my first year at Westminster College in SLC. We have now been marries a little over 6 years. When we decided to start a family and put my husband through school at the same time we were looking for something to supplement our income and still allow me to stay home but mostly I wanted to build a library for my son which we could most definitely not afford to build it to my liking. I found Bobbi at our local city days festival and fell in love with the books. Originally intending to just book a party to get some books for my then 14 month old little boy, at the encouragement of my wonderful husband I joined. Three years later, after a lot of hard work, struggles, and frustrations I promoted to team leader and I am so excited to see what other opportunities Usborne can provide for my family.
I love sewing, making crafts, reading, playing with my kids, and singing with my church choir. 

Hello! I am Rissa Woods from Tooele Utah. I met my husband in 7th grade math class, we started dating our senior year in high school 10 years ago, and have been married for 5 years now. We have 2 beautiful children, Maezie age 3 (4 in December) and Cole age 1 (2 in January). We also have 2 min pin/jack russel mix dogs named Maverick and Sherriff who are 8 years old. I am a stay at home mom and I teach dance part time as well. My husband works for FedEx freight and usually long hours but is home with us every night. I joined Usborne a little over a year ago. I grew up hating reading and wanted a different life for my kids. Originally signed up just for the discount and it took off for me. I have tried many direct sales companies and none have worked for me like Usborne. Promoting to team leader was probably the hardest thing I have ever done, and I had a med free home birth with my second! I had a ton of obstacles to promote and fought through them all thanks to Bobbi. 

New Policies 06/02/2017

Usborne Books & More experienced significant growth the past two years. As growth continues, we are faced with a mix of challenges. One considerable challenge includes policies. Our goal is to create policies that reflect positively on the company and your individual businesses.
June 2nd 2017 we are releasing a newly created and revised incentive policy. The policy will go into effect immediately*. Please read the policy we have outlined below.
*As noted, the policy does take effect immediately. We do understand some may have made offers to customers. We do not want you to go back on those and jeopardize the relationship. We would respectfully ask you close out and/or conclude any offers you have already made and not move forward with any additional offers.
Here are some great examples of questions that have been brought up and discussed.
I am at my booth and have a general policy of - "If you join today, you can choose an extra book to add to your kit.” Can I still do that?
Unfortunately, no. Making any offer of any kind, even something as simple as a free book from your business inventory is still an incentive.
Can I place a $500 book fair order for a booth I have next month?
Yes, this is acceptable.
I have a new recruit who isn't really helping me at a booth we are supposed to be doing together. Can I just place the $750 book fair order under her so I receive her SB?
Unfortunately, that is a no. If the individual is not helping you, was not in attendance and didn't plan to make any type of follow-up with any customers, you cannot place the book fair order under her for your personal business benefit.
Effective June 2, 2017
Sponsoring New Recruits:
Usborne Books & More prohibits the following activities related to sponsoring new recruits:
Representation of any obligation to purchase products or business supplies (other than the New Consultant Kit)
Enrollment and/or Placement of individuals as Consultants without their knowledge and permission
Enrollment of fictitious individuals as Consultants
Offering to cover some and/or all of the cost related to a New Consultant Kit, including but not limited to paying up-front for the kit
Offering incentives or rewards for joining a team (this is not reflective of what is being offered by Home Office in the kit or as a recruiting special)
Essentially, any additional bonus that is offered to encourage someone to sign up is prohibited.
Bonus Buying:
Honesty and integrity are of the utmost importance to Usborne Books & More. The highest level of success is not achieved by buying books or participating in unethical activities in order to make sales goals and earn prizes. This is referred to as “Bonus Buying” and may result in the immediate termination of the Consultant Agreement.
Usborne Books & More prohibits the following activities related to sales of products:
Purchasing products simply to qualify for promotions, incentives, commissions, overrides, bonuses, sales contests, or maintain Leader requirements.
Manipulation of sales, including but not limited to, placing sales in others’ names or purchasing through another consultant’s site in order to qualify for promotions, incentives, commissions, overrides, bonuses, sales contests, or maintain Leader requirements.
Usborne Books & More does not require or encourage Consultants to purchase inventory in an amount which unreasonably exceeds that which can be expected to be resold and/or consumed within a reasonable period of time. This is referred to as inventory loading.

Usborne Books & More reserves the right to audit rank advancements, promotions, and incentive trips/contests to identify instances of bonus buying. Usborne Books & More must be vigilant in ensuring orders are placed on behalf of our customers through their Independent Consultants. Failure to comply with any of the Bonus Buying policies listed above jeopardizes Usborne Books & More under federal regulations prohibiting pyramid schemes. If you participate in any of these activities you are putting your own business at risk and jeopardizing the future success of others.
Additionally, Usborne Books & More Consultants are asked to adhere to the following guidelines when offering promotions/incentives to customers, especially via social media:
Current Usborne Books & More company-offered specials may be shared publicly with all customers. Please be aware of and adhere to the guidelines of social media sites regarding advertising on personal pages, etc.
Personal specials and/or promotions may be offered only in ‘Closed’ or ‘Secret’ groups, in private events and/or in private discussions.
A Consultant is permitted to privately offer specific, time-limited, occasional incentives such as “book a Home Party tonight and get $X off your order” or “spend over $100 and receive free shipping” so long as your offers/promotions:
Are only offered via private conversations or groups
Are offered to a limited group of customers
Do not run for an extended period of time
Are available to your customer base infrequently
It is important to remember you represent a fair-priced product with a high value. Constantly offering discounts and/or purchasing promotions may inject a temporary boost in sales, however, it may not produce a long-term, loyal customer. Those who have only ever bought products from you ‘on sale’ will not likely be willing to purchase products not ‘on sale’. Home Office discourages this practice as it serves to devalue our product and our company.
While we understand wanting to support other Direct Sales Consultants, Home Office prohibits the use of these products to promote your own business. Doing so may unintentionally highlight the product or business opportunity and lead customers, hosts, or team members to pursue the other company.

Saturday, October 1, 2016


Recruiting is a simple way to bring more people to Usborne to share these amazing books with more people! With recruiting you gain new friends and more income! After going through this post, if you have any questions remaining please check in with your Team Leader!

Grab a pen and paper to jot down some notes. Ready? Start with this video on 4 reasons WHY we recruit. Be sure to watch thru to the end to learn what TOXIC mindset you want to avoid. Comment after with the concept that you most want to remember.

FIRST...if you believe recruiting is trying to get someone to "help" you, persuading them, or convincing them to "do you a favor"'ll feel scared/awkward/uncertain. 
If you believe that you have found something that could be of GREAT VALUE to'll feel excited/natural/confident. You may have just what they have been looking for! How fun would that be if you could help them solve a problem??!?
-Belinda Ellsworth's consulting group did a study that shows that 50% of people who attend a party are considering becoming a consultant. Almost ALL guests expect that there will be an invitation to join. If you DON'T offer an invitation to join, guests may feel that you don't believe they would be good team members.
-More and more people are looking for the right Home-Based business to join. 

WHO? WHO should you invite to join you?
1) People at your events: This is EASIEST because you already know they have an interest in children's books
2) People you know: Those you would LOVE to work with, Those who would make your team more FUN, Those who would probably be super successful, Those who are educators/librarians/speech pathologists or in any career field involving children.
There is no stereotypical UBAM Consultant...which makes being a part of UBAM even more amazing! Prejudging is the biggest MISTAKE we can make in recruiting. Parents, grandparents, pregnant women, people who work part or full time, retired people, financially well-off people, people struggling financially, extremely busy people, people looking for something to do and even those without children are all examples of people on our team!
Whether someone appears to need something like this or not does not mean they may or may not be interested in joining you!

 HOW to Recruit!! Part 1.
It can feel a little EASIER to recruit people who are at your events: parties, booths, etc. We will talk about how to do that well in the next post. 
Here's a great tip on how to invite people you know (but who may not yet know anything about Usborne).
Challenge: jot down the names of 5 people you know who:
-would be fun to have on your team
-you would love to work with
-would probably be super successful at this
-have a background in teaching/educating/early childhood development

HOW to Recruit!! Part 2
Social Media is powerful.....Watch this for HOW to effectively use Facebook/Social Media without alienating everyone you know. ;)
This video is talking about bookings but the concepts apply equally to you get booking tips and recruiting tips in one video 

HOW to Recruit!! Part 3: WORDS to USE
When you are new:
"I'm so excited! Come & do this with me!"
"We can figure it out together!"
"I am looking for people to help me serve our community. I can't meet all of the needs myself" *This is great for S&L work...when the freeze is lifted.
After you've been doing UBAM for 4-6 weeks/have experienced some success:
"This is what attracted me to Usborne...."
"This is what I've been able to do with my Usborne $"
"Another benefit to me has been....."
"This is what Usborne has allowed me/my family to do...."

 HOW to Recruit!! Part 4: KEY QUESTIONS
You are having a one-on-one conversation. You've brought up the topic and told them what Usborne has done for you. Now find out what they are looking for.
"What are you looking for with Usborne?"
"What would be your goals with Usborne?"
"What could Usborne do for you or your family?"
"What questions do you have for me?"
PROVIDE INFORMATION so they can make a decision if Usborne is the right fit for them. You are NOT here to PERSUADE them into doing something they are reluctant to do.
KEEP IT SIMPLE. You don't need to explain how to place an order in orderpro at this point. LISTEN FIRST and answer the question they are answering. Then stop and LISTEN AGAIN.

 HOW to Recruit: Part 5
Switching gears to HOW to INVITE people that are at your events!
1) Plant Seeds
With your Hostess:
-3 days before your party send this message: 
Hi Nicole! You are getting a great response on your party page! That's great! I just wanted to reach out to you and chat quickly about the business of working with Usborne. We are definitely in need of lots of help nationwide, and it’s a super fun way to earn some family income and build a home library. If you decide you’re interested, we can turn your party into your business kick-off and we can split the commission and the party bookings can go to you instead! Have you ever thought about doing what I do?
-After the party, (if she did a great job) let her know that you think she would make a great consultant.
-Follow up...Are you guys loving your new books? I keep thinking that you would make a great consultant! Have you thought any more about that?

Plant Seeds at a Home Party:
-In your opening few words at the Home Party, after you've told people how the party will work and what to expect, make sure to mention "If you are looking to add extra income to your family and be part of an amazing fast growing company with products that really change lives...I'd like to invite you to find out more about being a consultant later on tonight"
-After the Book presentation at the Home Party, ask for bookings, and then give your "Join Me" talk. -Why did you join Usborne, What you've been able to do with the $, Another benefit to me has been.... Is there something you would love to do for your family? Is there a financial challenge you are facing? We may be the way that you can meet those needs. I'd like to invite you to find out more about Usborne. There is minimal investment or risk, it is so EASY to give it a try, and this is a really exciting time to join! If you aren't interested, I'm always looking for leads and I'll reward those with free books!
-When people check out: Would you like to take home some information?

HOW to Recruit: Part 5 continued...
Planting Seeds via Facebook Parties:
Each FB Party you run should have a JOIN ME post (don't call it that). Here are a few samples:
***NOTE (Please use your own voice when you create your FB party posts...the same way you would customize a Home Party to be a reflection of you...feel free to use these as models...but we encourage you to make them your own)****
POST FOURTEEN -- We are almost ready to shop. Yay!!! But first, one more game to really rack up those PARTY PRIZE entries! Usborne is COMMITTED to ending the literacy crisis through book ownership! We TRULY need more consultants in every community in the U.S. helping us do that - and it is an amazingly rewarding home career. Usborne has allowed me to earn an extra income while staying home with my kids. What could you do with an extra $400 (or more) a month?
Would you like to be a part of a growing, debt-free company? Build an incredible home library? Get a 25% discount on every Usborne book with zero minimum sales requirement?
ALL QUESTIONS about being a consultant and having an Usborne biz GET ONE ENTRY EACH in the free books prize drawing. And asking a question may mean you want to win, not that you're necessarily on board for joining our team. ;)
POST 13: The other way to save is to join me and become a UBAM consultant! Have you ever dreamt of:
> flexible work hours
> being your own boss
> extra cash or replacing your income
> incentives and rewards for working hard and having fun
> TONS of FREE books
> NO minimums or quotas
And we're going to Disney next year for 6 days!
If you answered yes to any of the above, check out what UBAM has to offer!
ASK ME ANY QUESTIONS ABOUT MY BUSINESS BELOW AND EARN AN EXTRA POINT! And, again, if any of you decide to join my team, both you AND [Host] will get $25 in free books from me!
Have you ever thought about doing what I do? Consultants get a 25% discount on every purchase PLUS make a commission starting at 25% of sales. Usborne gave me hope that life could be a little easier financially while doing something that matters and would benefit my kids. Is there something you would love to do for your family or a financial challenge you are facing? Usborne may be the way that you can meet those needs. Any question you ask now about being a consultant, (or how to get started) will earn you another PARTY PRIZE for every question. Ready, Go!
More Details: A bit more info: While the publishing industry on the whole is down 8%, Usborne's sales numbers have been skyrocketing from $21 million in 2015 to $52.8 million for fiscal year 2016!!! We just posted a record August of $9.1 million compared to $3.9 million in August 2015. September sales were up 160% over September last year and the forecasted sales are well over $100 million in Fiscal year 2017, which puts UBAM in an elite class of companies with sales over $100 million.

 HOW to Recruit: Facebook Follow Up
Who to follow up with:
-anyone who commented on your JOIN ME FB party post
-anyone who made tons of comments but didn't make a large purchase (didn't have the budget but loved the books)
-anyone who bought books (drop recruiting seed 1. when you message them their tracking number. 2. when you make contact after their books have arrived to confirm everything arrived ok and nothing was damaged/missing. 3. 1 week after arrival to find out how they are enjoying the books, which is their favorite, and oh by the way...Have you ever thought about doing what I do?
-Party Prize winner (at the very least, you should be asking this person if they'd like to upgrade their party prize or Free Shipping Refund into $30 in free books by hosting their own party)

That's okay! Often people need time and not responding can just mean they need more time, or they saw your message while they were managing 4 kids and the dinner rush.
FOLLOW UP AGAIN-----> 2-4 weeks.
I like to shoot out a follow up message before we have a Peek Inside Event (5-7 days before, or even day of...but people usually need time to plan):
Have you had any other questions about Usborne that I can answer for you? We have a Facebook event on Wednesday this week called a Peek Inside that is run similarly to the facebook party you attended and is designed to give folks considering joining the Usborne team a closer look at all that Usborne has to offer and a chance to ask questions. Would you like an invite?
<<<<in this case, she wanted an invite, but didn't attend>>>>
One month later, I sent this:
Hi ------! Just checking in. We are running another Peek Inside the World of Usborne facebook event and I thought about you. I remember your enthusiasm for the books and I don't want to miss following up with you in case Usborne is a great fit for who you are and where you are in life. are you liking your books? Did everything arrive ok?
She responded that she was too busy now, but had it on the back I'll keep doing my occasional follow up. We'll see!

 One more Follow Up Sample
CAUTION: Don't make the MISTAKE of letting an excited potential consultant wait until the next Peek Inside! If they are ready, go ahead and get them to the JOIN page on your website and help them choose a kit! Then...they can attend the NEW CONSULTANT Training instead of the Peek Inside.
Hi ______! Have a few things coming up I thought you might be interested in. Wednesday of next week (June 22) has two Facebook events. One is aPeek Inside the World of Usborne...for those wondering if Usborne is the right fit for them. (pretty sure you already attended one a while back) The 2nd is a New Consultant Training FB Event...designed to be a helpful mini-training overview for Consultants who have recently joined the team. If you are thinking of joining soon, its nice to have one of those New Consultant Trainings to go to as an orientation.
Tell me more about what your goals would be with Usborne? What are you looking for? I know more and more women are looking for the right Direct Sales company to help make an extra income while having the flexibility to stay at home. But some people join just to earn the free books for their own home and kids.

Overcoming Objections
What do you do if you have someone interested but they have concerns or
objections like the ones below:
~ I don’t know very many people
~ I’ve never sold anything before
~ I don’t want to be pushy
~ My husband and/or I work a lot, I don’t know if it works for our schedules

When people bring up questions and concerns like those listed above, it’s not because they don’t want to join. Simply answer their questions! As you answer their questions, try this phrasing:
"Oh I used to think that too" or "I used to worry about being pushy too, but"
"I felt nervous my first party, but now..."
"I thought......but now I ....."
-If they feel like they aren’t a salesperson: most people start with no sales experience; the books do sell themselves! Its more of a helping others kind of a job anyways.
-If they don’t have time to work outside of the home: it is flexible and many people work entirely from home doing Facebook parties and Book Drives, etc.
-If they’re only interested in the discounted books: in your first twelve weeks, there are tons of incentives for earning free books and extra cash.
-if they aren't a party person: There are School and Library opportunities!