These groups don't need to be listed, however you can still offer them the same great incentives.
Once you've made a list of schools in your area get to work! I typically call the school to find out who the director/person in charge is and what day/time they are available to meet.
When I visit the school I take with me a binder that contains:
-Letter explaining what we can do for them and giving them all my information
S&L catalog
"What We Can Do For You" brochure outlining all the different progams we offer.
When I visit the school I take with me a binder that contains:
-Letter explaining what we can do for them and giving them all my information
S&L catalog
"What We Can Do For You" brochure outlining all the different progams we offer.
I also like to take cookies or a small gift to show my appreciation for them taking time to meet with me.
You've dropped off the materials/made contact now persistence is key! Follow up with your contact repeatedly to overcome any obstacles or hesitation they might have and set a date.
:-) Like all of us these individuals get busy and might forget about your visit.
Timing is everything!! Pick a week that is good for the school, one where they don’t have a lot going on. Pictures, field trips, registration anything that is costing the parents extra money and might keep them from buying books. Also, keep in mind some schools send home monthly Scholastic flyers. Ask if they can possibly skip a month or schedule your book fair before the flyers go out.
Once you've picked a date figure out which time of day is the best time to work the event. Drop off, pick up - when are people more likely to stop and not feel rushed? It's important to ask your contact if parents come in for both or just leave the kids at the door. You don't want to stand around for an hour and have nobody stop at your table!
Location is also important! Think about where you can set up that you will be visible and not forgotten
The place is set, the date is picked, now what?!? Take the time to follow the steps below and receive Tax Exempt status in order to avoid delays once you're ready to close the book fair. You will need to ask your contact for their tax exempt document before completing these steps.
Since you will already be in the system to create a new customer this is a great time to set up the event as well. Be sure to select the right party type (book fair, RFTS, LFL) as this will affect the amount of awards they receive.
At least 2 weeks before the event deliver the necessary materials to the school. This will give the parents and teachers notice and allow the school time to distribute flyers etc. Below are the items I've used in the past and would recommend.
I also strongly urge the director/owner to send out an email letting everyone know the book fair is coming.
The director/owner should be your advocate! After all the more books people purchase the more perks they receive. Encourage them to send reminder emails, mention it to parents in passing. They could even have teachers let the kids "shop" the books and make a wish list.
Bring age appropriate books. You can obviously bring a few books for older kids as well since they might have siblings, cousins etc but appeal to the audience you have!
Seal the Deal! If they are hesitant to purchase or want to go home and think about it remind them they are saving money on shipping by purchasing through the school! Point out any customer specials as well.
Equally important is helping them understand how they are helping the school receive quality books for the classrooms!
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